5 Pillars For Optimal Healing & Recovery

A common question I get from my patients is, “What can I do to speed up my recovery and healing?” What they’re usually looking for is a specific exercise, stretch, tool, etc. that they can do/use for their injury. What I tell them is that while there are some specific things I can recommend, they…
3 Things you NEED To Do Immediately After Spraining Your Ankle

So you twisted your ankle really bad and now it’s swollen & painful & stiff and you’re bummed out because you can’t exercise, play, or enjoy your usual lifestyle, etc. And you’re looking for some help/guidance about how you should handle your injury to make sure you get back to exercising, playing, etc. as quickly…
Simple Nutrition Tips & Info

As I’m working with my clients, many of them will bring up questions about diet/nutrition – tips for weight-loss, what to eat, when to eat, intermittent fasting, gut health, etc. Along with sleep, hydration, and stress, the other main area that I touch upon with my clients is their nutritional habits/lifestyle. Why….because those things play…
7 Ways To Prevent CrossFit Injuries

CrossFit is a great way to get (or stay) fit and feel awesome about yourself. But, like everything else that requires that much intensity, it does come with its risk for injury. And I don’t want you to become part of the injury statistics, so I’m going to quickly go over 7 ways to stay injury-free…
8 Common Reasons Why High School Athletes Get Injured

High school sports are back in full swing now and that means lots of exciting games and good times…and it also means that injuries are going to happen. Some of these injuries are just going to happen (i.e. the contact injuries), but some are preventable – which could mean the difference between a successful season…
How to Choose the Best Physical Therapist For YOU

Finding a physical therapist is easy, but choosing the right one for you isn’t so easy. So you decided that physical therapy is right for you, but now you want to know how to go about finding the best therapist for your specific needs. Like most other people, you have no idea how to…
5 Reasons Why Your Neck Pain Won’t Go Away

Neck pain is a very common problem to have and it can be extremely frustrating to deal with because it can affect various aspects of your life. Things like how well you can do your job, your ability to get a good night’s sleep, your typical workouts/active lifestyle, and even your overall daily mood. 1.…
Recommended Book – “Mindless Eating”

“Mindless Eating – Why We Eat More Than We Think” by Brian Wansink If you are looking for a way to lose some weight but don’t want to make huge changes to your diet/life, then I highly recommend reading this book. It’s a a quick and easy read about the subconscious influences that affect how, what,…
5 Reasons Why Your Back Pain Keeps Coming Back

Over 80% of people will experience back pain at some point in their lives. And many of those people will have recurring episodes of back pain. The pain subsides, they think they’re out of the woods and then 6 months later it comes back. Each time the pain comes back, the person gets frustrated, and…
Do You Feel Let Down By Your Physical Therapist – 7 Signs You Need To Switch

Do you feel disappointed, unsatisfied,or frustrated with how you are (or have been) treated by your physical therapist? Are you unhappy with the results you are getting…or not getting? If so, you NEED to continue reading this article to help you make a better decision about your health and ultimately, help you get back to…
The Best Lunge for Pain-Free Knees & Better Results

Lunges are a great, staple exercise in most weightlifting programs (and for those looking to make their butt look nicer), but unfortunately many people do them wrong and/or get pain in their knees when they do them. So, I want to share with you a safer, more effective variation that most people haven’t heard of…the reverse…
Pain Myth #5: You Need To Get an MRI

This might be sound surprising to a lot of people, but MRIs are very often not needed to successfully treat your pain/problem. Being aware of this can save you valuable time and money as you try to find a solution to your problem. The main reason for this is because there is a high percentage of “abnormal”…
Pain Myth #4: It’s Because of Your Age

“Your aches and pains are a normal part of the aging process.” “The aches and pains let you know that you’re still alive.” “What do you expect? You’re just getting older.” Have you heard any of these before!? If so, don’t worry because they are all lies…and hopefully you didn’t hear any of those things from…
Pain Myth #3: A Cortisone Shot Is the Answer To Your Problem

I’m sure either you or someone you know has gone to a doctor before and been told a cortisone injection will fix their problem. Unfortunately, that’s just not true. While it may help ease some of the pain, IT WON’T FIX YOUR PROBLEM. Just getting rid of someone’s pain doesn’t mean that the problem is fixed.…
Pain Myth #2: Just Stretch It

“Just stretch it” is probably one of the most common pieces of “medical” advice people are given about how to fix their pain…and very often it’s bad advice. This advice usually comes from people who have no professional background in dealing with people in pain and how the body moves. Although sometimes, this advice even comes from…