My Recommended Products For Your Health & Fitness
Some of these products I receive a small financial compensation and some of them I receive absolutely nothing - these are just products that I either personally use, have tested & liked, and/or frequently recommend to my clients
Acumobility Ball
My go-to for trigger points, tight muscles, knots, etc (both personally & for my clients). I like this way more than a lacrosse ball. Amazon Link
Rollga Foam Roller
I love this roller! I personally use it every day. It's perfect for the low back and mid-back but can also be used anywhere else on your body. Amazon link
The Stick - Travel Size
Massage stick/roller - great for your calves, hamstrings, quads. Travel size is plenty big enough - don't bother with the bigger ones. I bought this about 10 years ago and it still works fine. Amazon link
Knee Terminator
Invented by me! Perfect for getting your knee straight after knee surgery (ACL, meniscus, total knee, etc). Made for home use. Learn More / Buy
Mobility / Floss Band
I use floss bands just about every day with my clients. A single band is all you probably need (most people don't need a pair). I commonly use them with ankle injuries/stiffness, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, and many more injuries. Amazon link
Blood Flow Restriction Training System
Best BFR system out there - I personally use this one on my clients and myself. Multiple different units available - 1 cuff, 2 cuffs, arms, legs, etc). Learn More / Buy Here
Supportive Insoles/Orthotics
Don't spend hundreds of dollars on custom-made orthotics before trying these out. Many of my clients find these helpful and they are a fraction of the cost. I even bought these for my wife. Amazon link
Ankle Brace
Lace-up ankle brace to use when going back to play, exercise, etc. Ideal for after ankle sprains. Amazon link
Suspension Trainer
Just as good as a TRX trainer. I have both (this one and a TRX) and they work the same and this one is less than half the price. Buy Here
Hands-down the best kinesiology tape out there. The only tape I use with my clients (and tell them to buy).
Comes in a variety of colors/patterns - these seem to be the most common ones my clients buy
$14-$19 per roll (depending on the color)
For the Office
Sit-to-Stand Adjustable Desk
Conveniently goes right on top of your existing desk. Best sit-to-stand desk out there. Amazon link
Floor Mat for Standing Desk
Most offices have concrete floors, so this is a must-have if you use a standing desk. Amazon link
Monitor Adjustable Arm
Perfect for elevating your monitor to eye level - to help with neck, mid-back, or lower-back pain. Amazon link
For the Bedroom
Coop Eden Pillow
Best pillow I have ever used. And why I like it so much for my clients is that the amount of fill is customizable - so it doesn't matter what position you like to sleep in. Made up of gel-infused (so it stays cool) memory foam. Removable, washable cover. Amazon link
Sleep Master Sleep Mask
Soft, cool satin sleep mask that not only blocks out all light, but also lightly covers your ears to block out some noise. The ear cover means there is no annoying elastic strap that moves around all night. It velcros in the back to close and doesn't move. I know because I personally use this every night. Amazon link
Between the Knee Pillow
Great for people who have back/hip pain when sleeping (or upon waking) or for those who have knee pain and don't like the pressure of their knees touching. Amazon link
A Guide to Better Movement
Great book that goes over a lot of topics about the body, movement, pain, etc. Written for the general public, so it is easy to read and understand (not very "medically"). Chapter 5 on the science of pain is great for anyone who has been dealing with pain for a while. Amazon link
Mindless Eating
Very interesting book on how simple things - like glass shape - subconsciously influences our eating habits. A lot of easy to implement tips about how to change your eating habits. Amazon link

Run Fast. Cook Fast. Eat Slow.
I'm not big on recipe books, but this one is an exception - lots of good, healthy, and simple to prepare/make recipes. I've personally made a whole bunch of these for my family. Amazon link